Friday, 15 July 2011


Today, we had a great time on our nature ramble at Ardnave, Islay. We had received sightings and photographs of Rose Coloured Starlings in the Natural History Centre so were really hoping to see them. I think one or two of our number may have seen one...but not myself sadly!

We did manage to see various other birds, however, which were special in their own way. On the road up, we saw a Merlin flying over a field. Then when we arrived, we understandably had our binoculars straight out to look at the flock of Starlings which their rose coloured cousin has been spotted with. Lots of Sand Martins swooping over the water with Mute Swans swimming close by. Other highlights for me as far as birds go were the Snipe, Skylarks, Lapwings and a female Hen Harrier. This seems a great year for the latter here on the island. We also saw Herring Gull and Lesser Black-backed Gull. One of our number also thought they saw a Great Black-backed Gull, but again I didn't. We also had some Song Thrushes following us throughout the ramble.

Half way through the walk, the rain started. This was quite a shock to the system given the roasting weather we have had so far on the holiday. This meant that my job as "butterfly counter" was made a lot easier with only one butterfly spotted. A Small Tortoiseshell being blown around a bit by the wind. I did see it land but thought it best to leave it be after it's ordeal.

As I write, the rain has stopped and the wind died down. Here's hoping for good weather tomorrow when we plan to head out to RSPB The Oa. Sadly I didn't get any photos given the poor conditions but hope to get loads tomorrow!

For a more official account of our ramble, you can visit the Islay Natural History blog entry from the walk.

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