Saturday 2 June 2012

My week. (Part Two) RSPB Lochwinnoch

For part two of my blog "my week", I wanted to talk about something else I've done for the past few weeks. I have visited RSPB Lochwinnoch, a picturesque nature reserve at the edge of Renfrewshire. Now I have been there before. In fact, I volunteered there last year. However these were the first times I had visited in a while.

RSPB Lochwinnoch visitor centre and viewing tower taken on a previous visit on June 11th 2011
I have always been impressed with the reserve. Quite easy to get to and has given me some good photo opportunities not least in their wonderful photo hide!

So I returned here on May 23rd. It was a glorious day with temperatures soaring! Pretty much as soon as I got there, I went into the photo hide and then I saw something zoom past my view into the trees to the right of the hide. I quickly spotted that it had been a Great Spotted Woodpecker. He obligingly flew onto his favourite log where I have photographed him before which is set up outside the hide and smeared with fat. Sadly on this occasion he did not hang around very long. Soon after, the Lesser Redpoll showed up with the male of the species exhibiting a brilliant pink breast. Soon after it was the Siskin's turn to impress me with some brilliant greens.

After seeing and photographing some beautiful birds, I left the photo hide to have some food and went for a walk along one of the rivers at the reserve where I have seen and heard several members of the warbler family before. Given the sun and the heat, I rather foolishly sat for a while to try and photograph one. The results were...questionable. Deflated I then went the other way along the path. This walk was much cooler with the harsh sun being kept at bay somewhat by the trees. This time, I both saw and photographed Sedge Warbler. A stunning bird which I enjoyed photographing especially given the nice lighting and Spring greens in the photos.

I then returned on May 31st and again, headed straight for the photo hide. Almost down to the minute of my last encounter just over a week before, a male Great Spotted Woodpecker again landed on it's log and began picking the fat off. This time, it stayed for considerably longer. I was so honoured, especially as I was the only one in the hide at the time! Having eventually flown off, I was greeted by the usual suspects. Goldfinch, Great Tit, Blue Tit, etc. All wonderful and unique in their own way. I also saw a couple of Mallard Ducks mating. then a jealous male Mallard started fighting the mating male trampling on the female as they went. The female was, gladly, unharmed. bird list. I'm going to combine the two visits as the bird lists for both are pretty much the same.

Great Spotted Woodpecker
Lesser Redpoll
Great Tit
Coal Tit
Blue Tit
House Sparrow
Mallard Duck
Grey Heron
Collard Dove
Wood Pigeon
Sedge Warbler

View of the Great Spotted Woodpecker on that first visit. After studying the picture, I can confirm it's a male.
One of my personal favourites of a male Lesser Redpoll.
A Sedge Warbler on a nice day.
A lovely male siskin. Lovely vivid colours.
The full body shot on the second visit which, probably this same male Great Spotted Woodpecker, had denied me the week before.
Mating turns nasty as a jealous Drake Mallard decides to fight a rival.
A blue tit's nest box as the parent returns with food.

Also news recently which I forgot to share is that I now have a Facebook "page", which you can have a look at and like if you wish. Click here to go to it.