Monday, 1 August 2011

My Back Garden

Hey all! Sorry about the gap between posts. This month has been so hectic!

Before I start the post proper, I'd like to point out that I have a new website. Right now I'm still at the updating stage...but when you read this...who knows? I might be done! The address is

Okay so on with the post proper!

The other week, I got new seed for my bird feeders and took the opportunity to move the feeder a bit. Many keen bird watchers claim to have a "good garden". I for one get a cheap thrill every time I look out and see something on the feeders. Maybe I should get out more? Who knows. At the back of our garden there is a tree. Well...I say a tree. It's more like hundreds of trees packed into what might appear to be an oversized hedge. This environment seems to be great for our little garden visitors. In fact, yesterday I looked out to see a Greenfinch on the feeder. Now we have had Greenfinch in the garden before...but they are hardly common. Maybe one fleeting sighting every year? This year, however, there seems to be a couple coming to the garden everyday which is great as they are one of my personal favourites! Anyways I like to think of the trees as a bird apartment block. There is quite a fair few bird species call it their home and several more call it their dinner table. With the Greenfinch sighting fresh in my mind, and my camera clutched in hand, I stepped out to sit on our back step which overlooks the feeder. Here's the bird list from the 5 minutes or so I spent out there.

Great Tit
Blue Tit
Coal Tit
Wood Pigeon
Feral Pigeon
Lesser Black-backed Gull

Okay so not as impressive as some bird lists that I've made in the past. Not even the best for my garden. However I saw them all in the space of that 5 minutes. They (the garden birds in the list) were whizzing in, sometimes sitting for a while on the feeder then whizzing off again. This is usually a sign of young birds as they can get wary later. Some of the aforementioned were clearly young birds, but many have molted to all but look the same as the adults! The feeder is definitely, in my opinion, in the right place, and birds certainly seem to like the new seed I got them! Didn't get many pictures in such a short space of time, but here's 3 of my favourites!

The Greenfinch which started it all!

A Blackbird.

Ever the dependable Robin!